Best Online Bachelor’s In Healthcare Administration Programs


Deciding what to do for the rest of your life is challenging. The healthcare administration industry has consistent projected growth. You can complete most bachelor’s programs in four years when attending a traditional, in-person college. While some positions within healthcare only require associate degrees, the majority require at minimum a bachelor’s degree.

If you need a quicker turnaround, you may want to pursue a degree online. Doing so can offer accelerated paces to earn your degree and get you into your career. Keep reading to discover five fast and affordable online bachelor’s programs in healthcare administration according to Best Colleges.

The University of Central Florida


University of Central Florida (UCF) students are prepared for their careers with mock interviews. The number one-ranked online program is from the University of Central Florida. Featuring a 48-credit curriculum, you will complete healthcare economics and medical terminology in UCF’s bachelor’s in the healthcare administration program. During your senior year, students partake in an internship that can help prepare you for your future career.

The program has a 73 percent graduation rate, with close to 50 percent of students finding a job before graduation. The college is exceptionally committed to their students’ success and works to provide them with resources to thrive in their new careers. If interested, you can apply during the fall, spring, or summer semesters.

Trine University


Trine University in Fort Wayne, Indiana, offers an extremely affordable bachelor’s in the healthcare administration program. Undergraduate alumni from Trine University have shown an impressive 99 percent employment rate. The curriculum offers foundational coursework, so you have a basic understanding of the healthcare administration’s ins and outs.

You have to complete a capstone project to display your full knowledge of the material to graduate. Suppose you have some prior credits or coursework under your belt. In that case, Trine is an excellent option as they provide recognition for previous college coursework so you can accelerate earning your degree. Like other programs, Trine is invested in offering students essential career services, including job search tools. Also, active-duty service members receive a reduced tuition rate per credit.

Colorado State University


Colorado State University (CSU) is appealing as all students are charged the same per-credit tuition rate regardless of residency. It offers a unique dual-enrollment track for their bachelor’s in healthcare administration program. Even if you don’t live in Colorado, CSU is a top contender for the best online bachelor’s degrees in healthcare administration programs. Regardless of your residency, you won’t pay any more.

Unique to the college, CSU offers an optional dual-enrollment track so you can begin work on a master’s program before graduating from your undergraduate program. Over 90 percent of graduates from CSU find employment in their field of study. CSU preps their students by offering coaches throughout the career search and reviewers to provide feedback on your resume.

Mercy College of Ohio


Located in Toledo, Ohio, Mercy College of Ohio offers one of the top-ranked bachelor programs for healthcare administration. Not only do you complete your bachelor’s degree program, but you will also have access to resources to help prepare for your future career. Prospective students of Mercy College should possess an associate degree.

Since the college accepts up to 84 transfer credits, you may have the opportunity to earn your degree within as few as 12 months. One of Mercy College’s advantages is their wealth of resources to help students transition from school to work. Students have access to apply for internships, have your resume reviewed, and get feedback, as well as assistance preparing for interviews. Mercy College indeed looks to set their students up for success both in the classroom and after graduation.