Understanding Truck Driving Jobs For Seniors

While there are many experts in fields like finance, tech, and construction, the truck industry faces a shortage of drivers. In the United States, a lot of complaints have been raised about people not wanting to work in this industry. Although there seem to be quite a few reasons, but there are also benefits of being a full-time truck driver.

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As with other jobs, being a senior doesn’t disqualify you to work. In fact, truck driving offers some benefits for senior citizens. Regardless of your age, there are some common basic characteristics of a truck driver. These include; enjoying the open road and traveling, responsible and having a good look, and more.

However, that’s not the case. How do seniors fit into these jobs? What are the current situations in driving field? If that’s what you’ve been looking for, you’ve come to the right platform. In this article, we have explained the salary, requirements, benefits, and many other things to mention a few. Read more!

Benefits of a Truck Driving Job

Before you criticize the truck driving job, you need to understand its benefits. It’s a profession in which you can always get a demand for employment. At the same time, qualified truck drivers are in demand. So, what are you waiting for to get started? Well, take a look at the benefits of this truck-driving jobs now.

Opportunity to Explore

As a truck driver, you get paid to travel. While many people pay an exorbitant amount of money to travel, you get to enjoy this opportunity. In fact, you have a unique experience in other places, states, and in some cases countries. Additionally, you have the opportunity to explore different cultures, learn more about geography, and also have fun during your trip.

Great Flexibility

Flexibility is another benefit of a truck driving job. You can only see a few professions that are as flexible as the drivers and transporters. Both in terms of time and location, you have access to exclusive time, schedules, and conditions of work. That’s why stereotypical boring 9-5 office job will envy you because they spent most of their work hours standing in front of a computer constantly doing some draining tasks.

Time to Reflect and Listen to Music

When you’re driving, you get the time to reflect, enjoy, and listen to music, radio and more. Which profession from other industry will give you the time to enjoy this? Therefore, driving truck through long distance will allow you enjoy every moment without thinking or worrying about your problems.

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Current Situation of Truck Driving Field

As of the time of writing this article, truck driving is becoming increasingly popular unlike before. Although it is estimated that by 2025 there will be a shortage of almost 100,000 drivers nationwide but qualified truck drivers of all ages will continue to be in high demand. So, this implies that it’s one of the best opportunities for seniors available to work. Moreover, these factors are in favour of seniors looking to start a new career as a trucker.

Finding the Best Paying Truck Driving Jobs

Sometimes, finding the best paying truck driving jobs for seniors can be complicated. However, there are many ways to go around it. From searching for the right companies to getting recommendation from your families and friends, you can get one. Below are some of the ways to find the best paying jobs.

Getting Your Trucker License

Even as a senior, you’d want your employer to trust you, right? The first thing to consider and why they will need to trust you well are your license. Luckily, because of the shortage of people in this industry, you can get your trucker license as fast as possible. Again, there are some schools that are ready to hire you only if you can display your license.

Furthermore, you won’t get discrimination here unlike other jobs and the trucking companies will pay for total cost of your schooling. And while almost all trucking companies need drivers, not all of them pay well or hire new drivers.

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Getting the Best Trucking Companies

When you’re starting off as a driver, you might be interested in knowing the trucking companies available to give you a job. Well, as of today, there are more than 32 trucking companies in the United States of American and beyond. In this section, we have come up with the best companies. Check it out!

1.       Swift Trucking Company

Swift is one of the companies to look out for when it comes to getting truck driving jobs They hire on a regular basis and are known to offer some of the best salaries in the truck industries for both new and experienced driver. Aside from that, experienced drivers get higher pays and they offer more than competitive rates.

2.       US Xpress

Not only does this company hire drivers but they train them and pay their tuition. Not only is that, but they also provide a generous package for their employee. Funny enough, if you’re an armed force veteran in the U.S, you get an additional bonus pay. So, stay up to date and apply for the latest gig.

3.       CR England

This is the third on our list of the best trucking companies. They hire and provide good benefits to their staff. More so, they are a highly charitable organization. Additionally, for every delivery they complete, they donate a meal to a food-insecure child. And as of now, they have donated over three million meals.

4.       Werner Enterprises

Werner is among the popular truck driving companies in the world. With more than 25,000 trucks operating throughout North America, they are always on the lookout for more drivers. Besides, they are known to offer their employee paid time off as part of their benefits packages. So, check them out!


Your ability to become a truck driver is not determined by age. While there are shortage of experts in the truck industry, seniors can take advantage of this opportunity to earn a living. Guess what, it’s one of the best jobs for retirees. So, keep your head up and apply to the best truck driving job now.